Saturday, May 30, 2009

Last day in the Midwest

So it's the last day before I ship off to New York City, and I feel .... strangely .... nothing. Hmm. I should be excited--which I am, in my own way. I should also be nervous--which I am as well. Instead, those two emotions have collided within my chest to produce a supernova of apathy. Besides going to the garden store with my mom, watching Recker & Boerger deliver our new fridge, packing and watching TV, there has been little to mark this day as special. That's ok. Excitement would probably wash over me like a whole ton of surf water.

Joel is in Ann Arbor today with a co-worker; I haven't heard much from him but I'm not surprised. He's probably enjoying himself, although he did send me a text message saying the University of Michigan is beautiful. If Joel is offered a job at GM or anywhere else in the Detroit auto industry after he graduates, we'll most likely be moving there next year. That means our graduate school options have shifted from Ohio to Michigan, which isn't all bad. Joel's looking for his masters in aerospace engineering, and U of M caters to a lot of Detroit engineers. Plus, Michigan also offers one of the best MFA programs in Creative Writing in the country--nice. I haven't officially decided that an MFA is the way to go for grad school, but it's looking better as I try to meld my two undergraduate majors (Journalism and English Lit). Plus, if I go into an MFA program I'll definately have to kick start the old writing habits, which have laid pretty dormant these past four years. That shouldn't be a problem...perhaps New York will give me some inspiration.

Speaking of New York, I should probably outline my travel plans because the next time I unfold my computer, I will be at NYU. Things will get off to an early start tomorrow morning: I will probably wake up around 4 a.m. and leave for the airport around 4:45. My plane leaves at 7, landing in New York around 9:12 (according to Delta). Like I've said, this is my second time flying and my first flying alone, so hopefully the incredible depth of my maturity (haha) will silence my nerves. God knows I can't afford to panic tomorrow. When I panic, I tend to freeze and become weepy, so heaven forbid the off chance something goes wrong.

I then plan on taking a cab to La Guardia to my dorm, the Palladium on E. 14th Street. NYU is roughly situated in Greenwich Village, but Palladium is on the northern edge of campus, putting me on the borders of Greenwich Villach and Midtown. The building is quite huge, however browsing on Google Maps yesterday revealed a Trader Joes in the first floor of the building, as well as a Walgreens down the street. The comforts of home never leave you. I then check in, pick up my NYU ID, and unpack in whatever room I've been assigned. Sometime that morning/early afternoon, I need to walk down to Union Station (a few blocks down the road) to buy my Metro Card. Around 2, a bunch of Summer Publishing students will be meeting in the Palladium lobby to head down to the Woolworth building (where we'll be taking our classes) together. This will be good, considering it'll be my first time on an NYC subway and I definately don't want to get lost there.

I'm almost finished with packing, though; I have almost everything crammed into my one suitcase, carry-on and new hobo-bag/purse. I need to find my small flashlight in case of an emergency, though, and pack the few items I'll need from the bathroom. My father just reminded me to bring my anti-bacterial hand sanitizer as well--can't be picking up the swine flu, you know. Haha. (Seriously, he said that.)

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