Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Money Spent: $7.00
What: Two Starbucks frappacinos

Money Spent: $10.64
What: Earbuds

Money Spent: $54.31
What: Gas

Ok, I'll admit it. Starbucks is a luxury item and I shouldn't indulge in the tasty, sugery concoction that is a mocha frappacino too often. Lucky for me, I don't. But my boyfriend took me out to lunch yesterday and so, with 15 minutes to spare before I had to be back at the office, we decided to waste some time at the local Starbucks. Unfortunately, you can't waste time at a Starbucks without buying something, so I provided our post-lunch dessert. One interesting note about Starbucks, though: the company said yesterday that they plan on closing 19% of new stores that have been opened during the past two years. They cite the suffering economy for the loss of business. I find the concept of the closing Starbucks store--as opposed to a new branch opening every other day--rather telling. In the Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks film "You've Got Mail," Hanks' commentary on their role in society seem to infer that Starbucks had become as ubiquitous a part of American culture as, I don't know, morning traffic. And if they're featured as the meeting place of the Upper West Side book elite, they are also the epitomy of hip and therefore prime material for copy-cat suburbanites. Although I don't see this as the fall of the Starbucks empire, I do find it interesting that Americans, stripped of extra cash by the rising costs of food and gas, can forego those non-fat lattes if they so choose. 10 years ago we may not have heard that tune, but my how times have changed.

The earbuds were a simple choice because the ones that came with my iPod were completely iPod rounding out its third year on this planet. I refuse to satiate Steve Jobs too much, and either haven't had the money or interest to snap up every product that's come out of Apple. I have my dignity, you know. And those stupid Mac vs. PC commercials annoy me to no end. Sorry Steve, I'm still going to use my Dell no matter how "un-hip" that may make me. With that said, I do need a new iPod but don't have the extra cash this summer. My plan is to wait til Christmas when I can take advantage of the generosity of my elders.

And finally, gas. That's right, it's been 2 whole weeks since I last got gas. I stretched that tank and I'm PROUD. My secret? Well, it is no secret but common knowledge that most people tend to forget. For two weeks, I have barely touched my air conditioning. I drive home with all my windows down and my music turned up, and have reaped the rewards by doubling my drive time. My boyfriend assures me that "everybody" knows about this, but I argue that my discovery is enlightening because I have witnessed this miracle under the terror of $4 gas, the fear of which threatened to completely demoralize me a few weeks ago. I was ready to give up on humanity for awhile. I bought the gas for$4.09 a gallon, unleaded of course. Probably not the best for my engine, and my mother always taught me to automatically default with the "middle button." However, everyone has to buck their upbringing sometime. Filled with this knowledge, I now marvel at those still driving around with their windows sealed tight and their air conditioning pumping. I would have understood them a year ago--when I drove with air conditioning all the time on $3 a gallon. But now, I stand in slightly disgusted awe. I would understand if I took the highway home and witnessed this spectacle, but I don't. I take back roads where the average speed is 35 mph. People... Also a good sign, my car's little computer tells me that I have upped my miles per gallon from 23 mpg to 25.6 mpg. Considering that's all city driving with a V6 engine, I take that as a point of pride. Let's see if I keep it this way for awhile.

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