Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cocktail Hour

Money Spent: $30.04
What: Dinner at the Cheesecake Factory

The story behind this expenditure is actually quite sweet and sentimental. My best friend is going to be working for a graphic design firm in Boston this summer. She left today and I don't know when I'll see her next. We rarely get together during the school year, so it might be months. I hadn't yet seen her this summer, and I missed her surprise going-away party. So we decided to throw all prudence to the mall and enjoy a truly girl's night out. We went to the Cheesecake Factory, ordered fabulously expensive cocktails (the first experience of the kind since we had both turned 21 last fall) and two dinners that neither of us could finish. We then wandered around the mall, browsing aimlessly in a sea of senseless chit-chat. Sure it was expensive. But spending time with a best friend of nearly 17 years was well worth the extra cash.

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