Friday, June 27, 2008

Those girlie necessities

Money Spent: $26.59
What: Toothpaste, Cover Girl foundation, Make-up brush, Shaving Cream

Yes, not those kinds of necessities. Geez, get your mind out of the fifth grade. I told you I would record everything I purchsed this summer, and that includes toothpaste and shaving cream. I mean, a girl's teeth gotta stay...clean. And if you're confused by the high price tag of my CVS-aganza, I have to point out that cosmetic products are way too expensive. But faced with the viral marketing of cosmetic companies who want to convince American women that we NEED 20 products in order to leave the house...let's just say it's not cheap to be a girl. Plus, I've (shamefully) grown into a brand snob over the years. I don't care if Revlon's foundation is $2 cheaper. I only trust Cover Girl--sorry. Counterproductive I know, but I feel that if allow myself the illusion that spending a little more on the products that make me feel pretty is a luxury, then I'll won't take them for granted.

On the good news front, if you've noticed, it's been over a week since I last bought gas. Just wait until you see me filling up next...

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